Darshan La Faulx is a level 21 immortal. He was created before 1997 and is 117d, 15h, 4min and 57s old. He was last on Tue Oct 13 22:43:50 1998 (2h, 10m and 18s ago) (poijjes). He is worth 16335 experience points when killed. Web page: njet Plan: >,-------------------------------------------------------------------------. >| Skill | % | Skill | % | >|==============================|=====|==============================|=====| >| Alcohol tolerance | 10 | Amnesia | 77 | >| Avoid documenting | 93 | Banish fun | 69 | >| Caffeine absorption | 98 | Combat nonsense | 14 | >| Conceal cheat | 12 | Create bs | 100 | >| Degeneration | 55 | Dim wit | 93 | >| Dodge responsibility | 104 | Dorkfire | 64 | >| Enhanced beer | 40 | Forget | 100 | >| Knowledge of security holes | 1 | Mastery of idle | 17 | >| Mistell | 85 | Resist Coke Light | 80 | >| Spamstorm | 96 | Summon greater pizza | 87 | >| Teinix shield | 34 | Theory of lifelessness | 92 | >| True bore | 100 | Water walking | 92 | >| Whine mantle | 87 | | | >|------------------------------+------------------------------------------' >| Total: 25 | >`------------------------------'