Timeline of projects:

1993Started playing
2006Batshoppe and ReincSim
2014Dortlewall crystite mines and tutorial stuff
6.2.2023Gold Panner microquest - Lvl 26
14.3.2023Krev Estate area - Lvl 35
27.3.2023Screen reader versions of p prots, p place, p status and p status short
14.4.2023Birthday stuff - Lvl 40
1.6.2023Screen reader version of clairvoyance
14.7.2023Gallery cave area - lvl 50
22.7.2023Screen reader version of outworld map and look and beadmaps.
26.7.2023Screen reader version of city and city-like area map and look. And aelena darkclair.
1.8.2023Screen reader version of triad control marsh 'detect' map.
28.8.2023Screen reader versions of ship view, map and scan.
20.1.2024Screen reader version of radar type maps.
26.5.2024Mikey's gaff area
8.8.2024Traveller caravan area
27.8.2024Lvl 65
12.12.2024Screen reader version of Valley of Kings map
28.12.2024Forest of Equilibrium area
1.3.2025Lvl 75

Miscellaneous bug fixes