1993 | Started playing |
2006 | Batshoppe and ReincSim |
2014 | Dortlewall crystite mines and tutorial stuff |
16.1.2023 | Wizardom |
6.2.2023 | Gold Panner microquest - Lvl 26 |
14.3.2023 | Krev Estate area - Lvl 35 |
27.3.2023 | Screen reader versions of p prots, p place, p status and p status short |
14.4.2023 | Birthday stuff - Lvl 40 |
1.6.2023 | Screen reader version of clairvoyance |
14.7.2023 | Gallery cave area - lvl 50 |
22.7.2023 | Screen reader version of outworld map and look and beadmaps. |
26.7.2023 | Screen reader version of city and city-like area map and look. And aelena darkclair. |
1.8.2023 | Screen reader version of triad control marsh 'detect' map. |
28.8.2023 | Screen reader versions of ship view, map and scan. |
20.1.2024 | Screen reader version of radar type maps. |
26.5.2024 | Mikey's gaff area |
8.8.2024 | Traveller caravan area |
27.8.2024 | Lvl 65 |
12.12.2024 | Screen reader version of Valley of Kings map |
28.12.2024 | Forest of Equilibrium area |
1.3.2025 | Lvl 75 |