Cleanup (not active)
Info: This event was meant to encourage players to toss their trash in the trashcans, rather than leaving it lying around.
Remarks: This event was launched in combination with my Refuse Dump area. It was very appreciated by some mortals who even saved random trash for the event in their chests. It also made people search for infinite-item bugs. However, the event got removed since it was considered to be easier to remove the event than to fix the infinite-item bugs.
Bengan (not active)
"It is said in the holy book: In the year of the lords the Gods were walking through
the holy land. As the walking made them tired they halted to rest on a rock. While the
others were resting Anipa sculptured a man out of bread. Then the Gods combined
their holy seed upon the bread, thus giving him life. So it was the day when Bengan was born."
Info: Bengan and his fateful followers are walking around in Batcity converting the
citizens to his new faith of love and forgiveness. His beliefs easily gain
support among the weak minded citizens, making them revolt against their oppressors, the players of batmud. But Bengan is also beneficial for the
players, as he grants players heals and blessing. Still those who don't like
him should know that as long as his disciples are alive Bengan is safe from
Remarks: Bengan originally had another name, but due to protesting it was changed into Bengan. Winning this event is the only way you can get the legendary Staff of Aggressive Fig Trees. There is no special reason why this event is not active and it will
get back into the game "some day".
Info: Old Sable is very certain that his rangers are the best pathfinders by all
adventurers. To find out if that's the truth he places some 'checkpoints' in the outworld for the mortals to chase after. The first player to find them all will be the winner. If the winner is not a ranger, all rangers
will suffer a punishment for allowing someone else to be the king of the
forest. On the other hand, if a ranger win, all rangers will receive a boost. The person who wins the race will also receive a personal award. The first
checkpoint is always located close to the ranger guild.