Other code
Nickname (command)
Info: Nickname returns the explanation for an abbreviation or nickname.
Remarks: The nickname command was invented by Kimvais, but after he got
removed I took over the responsibility. The number of nicknames was something like 20 at that time, but now it has over 400.
Atlas (command)
Info: Atlas shows where players live geographically.
Remarks: I had an idea of making this kind of system for some years before I finally went through and did it. It's not a mud related command, but more one in the 'community' genre. I had a lot of fun with the whines about the prototype 'swemap' ;). In 2002 Gore kindly
rewrote parts of the command into handling sql, since the growth in the number of users had
made it rather laggy. I'm still monitoring the command with the help of the mortal
Count (command)
Info: Count counts items in your inventory or in your environment.
Remark: A pretty basic command that adds a little flavour.
Pelican (secret)
Info: Information about this is classified.
Remark: Something that has been in the game for a long time, but not that many
people knows about.