The triumphant return of JKL-con on Saturday 12. of the eleventh month
There are a bunch of people here waiting for the doors to open.
Blasterr, Vince, Grizzt, Rauskis, Nuc, Alder, Darol, *Kerzebel, Caped, Zinko, 
Typhos, Fiend, Kyo, Apopapopyy, Jumbo, Leeko, Mino, Zumbalo, Aiwe, Jemis, 
Icebear, Liku, Alakhai, *Mystic, Bleezuz, Genestran, Zartak, Zoso, *Nina, Usvasumutin,
Awake, *Naurava, Glarin, Panthos, Beyond, Rota, Rutaliator, Alorn, Grimpold, *Mäditsi, 
Miger, Porocks.
(Last update: 10.11.2005 22:09)
a leathery scroll displaying signup information
Obvious exits are:
Main and Navigation
HP:1304/1583 SP:739/739 EP:412/513 > look at scroll
/_\                                                                        \
  |  Sign up by telling Blasterr EITHER                                    |
  |  'signup yes' if you need a place to overnight OR                      |
  |  'signup' if you have some place other to sleep. Sign up only once.    |
  |  Example:                                                              |
  |    tell blasterr signup yes                                            |
  |    Blasterr tells you 'Ok, registered. Accommodation reserved.'        |
  |    OR                                                                  |
  |    tell blasterr signup                                                |
  |    Blasterr tells you 'Ok, registered.'                                |
 _|                                                                        |
HP:1304/1583 SP:739/739 EP:412/513 > party status

| Party Name: pääsyylliset                 (Members:  2) | Exp Tot: 452863450 |
| Created: Sun Sep 18 21:34:39 2005        ( 0h  0m  1s) | Exp/min:         2 |
| Place  Name      Status      HP         SP        EP   | Lvl |   Experience |
| 1.2   Vince         ldr  710( 710)  343( 343) 309(309) |  43 |    452863449 |
| 1.1   Blasterr      ldr 1304(1583)  739( 739) 412(513) | 101 |            1 |